Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023)


Geoffrey B. E. Obinna, PhD
Faculty of Management Sciences, Department of Human Resource Management, Rivers State University, Nkpolu-Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. obinna.geoffrey@ust.edu.ng
Jaja, Inye Sunday, PhD
Faculty of Management Sciences, Department of Human Resource Management, Rivers State University, Nkpolu-Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.

Published 2023-10-04


  • Expressive Job,
  • Job Design,
  • Wellbeing,
  • Standards

How to Cite

Geoffrey B. E. Obinna, & Jaja, Inye Sunday. (2023). EXPRESSIVE JOB: RANKS, WELFARES AND BASES. Open Access Journal of Management Sciences Research, 1(3), 23-28. https://www.openjournals.ijaar.org/index.php/oajmsr/article/view/248

How to Cite

Geoffrey B. E. Obinna, & Jaja, Inye Sunday. (2023). EXPRESSIVE JOB: RANKS, WELFARES AND BASES. Open Access Journal of Management Sciences Research, 1(3), 23-28. https://www.openjournals.ijaar.org/index.php/oajmsr/article/view/248


Jobs have evolved since the COVID-19 pandemic as a result of globalization and digitization. People are under tremendous strain, mental stress, and physical exhaustion as a result of tests and competition at work, and work life has become very dull. When there is no physical interaction, workers start to question why they are employed. This study examines the Rank of Expressive occupations and concludes that, in the current business environment, expressive occupations are an excellent means of locating competent workers due to their many advantages for both employers and employees. To enhance expressive work inside the organization, staff members need to be empowered, given autonomy, and assessing the impact on their standing within a broader framework. When employees are driven by their job and aware of the standards, they take an active role in it.


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