Vol. 3 No. 3 (2024)


Gina Oghogho Olufemi
Department of Accounting, Wellspring University, Benin city, Nigeria. atugina18@gmail.com
Ekhalume Henry Omokhafe
Department of Accounting, Wellspring University, Benin city, Nigeria. ekhakhafe@gmail.com
Amibor Ngozi Helen
Department of Accounting, Wellspring University, Benin city, Nigeria. amibor4ng@gmail.com

Published 2024-03-23


  • Government revenue,
  • Non-oil revenue,
  • Oil revenue,
  • economic growth

How to Cite

Gina Oghogho Olufemi, Ekhalume Henry Omokhafe, & Amibor Ngozi Helen. (2024). EFFECT OF GOVERNMENT REVENUE ON ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIA. Journal of Global Interdependence and Economic Sustainability, 3(3), 1-13. https://www.openjournals.ijaar.org/index.php/jgies/article/view/462

How to Cite

Gina Oghogho Olufemi, Ekhalume Henry Omokhafe, & Amibor Ngozi Helen. (2024). EFFECT OF GOVERNMENT REVENUE ON ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIA. Journal of Global Interdependence and Economic Sustainability, 3(3), 1-13. https://www.openjournals.ijaar.org/index.php/jgies/article/view/462


The study determined the effect of government revenue on economic growth in Nigeria from 2000-2022. This study utilized Ex-Post Facto research design. Data were extracted from Central Bank Statistical Bulletin and World Bank reports. The hypotheses were tested using multiple regressions analysis, and found that non-oil revenue has a positive significant effect on gross domestic product in Nigeria. Non-oil revenue has a positive significant effect on gross domestic product in Nigeria. However, oil revenue has a negative insignificant effect on gross domestic product in Nigeria. Conclusively, government revenue on economic growth affects the growth of Nigerian economy. Based on the findings, the study recommended that government should ensure cautious use of the proceeds of oil revenues because producing communities are watching out for the area of the development to be properly addressed with the revenue generated by the sale of crude oil.


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